The Conflict Roadmap

What Approach Will Resolve Your Conflict?

What Approach Will Resolve Your Conflict?

Are you experiencing a conflict? This conflict roadmap can help you determine your next steps. Select the statements below that best describe your feelings, and follow the process that flows from there. Remember — there is no one size fits all solution in conflict resolution.

Which set of statements resonates most
with you for the conflict you are facing?

You want a resolution to be reached as soon as possible / You’re open to talking about it / A neutral third party is needed to bring perspective to the conflict.

Who Are You Working For?

An Individual

  • We would both be better off if we could find a way to resolve this.
  • Life is filled with compromise. I am ready to make some, but it has to be mutual.
  • I can’t afford a lawyer or the cost of going to Court.
  • I hate it when the real issues can not be discussed openly.

In order to have a
Successful Mediation, all parties must participate.

Learn more about resoliving conflict
through mediation, and if this is
the right approach for you.


A Group

  • Be careful what you say around certain people; it may come back to haunt you.
  • The staff here seems to care more about office gossip and politics than the clients/customers.
  • This is a toxic work environment.
  • Every decision made here is part of a hidden power struggle. I just can’t stand it.

This approach ensures everyone is heard.

If you need help facilitating team
interaction, and resetting a toxic
environment, learn about group 
facilitation here.


You’re up against someone who usually gets their way / You need to build confidence around handling conflict / With coaching, you could handle the conflict yourself.

Do you need a coach or intervention to succeed?


  • I frequently find myself in conflicts that go from bad to worse.
  • My job forces me to work with high conflict people and I need help.
  • My boss is a jerk and I am looking for a new job.
  • I am stuck in a dispute with a co-worker and it feels like there is no way out.

In situations where the other party
isn’t willing to budge,conflict coaching can give
you the upper hand.

Learn more about how a conflict
coach, strives to help clients gain
more control of conflict outcomes.



  • My staff need to improve their communication skills.
  • I am looking to refine my conflict resolution skills and knowledge in the field.
  • In my role I am constantly dealing with other people’s conflicts and I want to know if I am doing it right.
  • My staff need sensitivity training and they won’t listen to me.

Conflict training serves an
individual on many levels, revealing
new ways to think about old problems.

Learn more about my conflict 
training programs.


You’re on a different page than the other person / The conflict is too complex to find a middle road / No matter how you approach it, you always run into a wall.

What is the state of the current conflict?


  • I don’t want to compromise. She needs to see it my way because I am right.
  • There is too much at stake to compromise.
  • I have tried everything but he just ignores me.
  • This is a take-it-or- leave-it situation. There is no more room for negotiation.

Litigation should be
your last resort when working to resolve a conflict.

Learn about alternate solutions here.



  • I understand the Union’s position, but they are not being realistic.
  • Our Agreement is clear and they just won’t accept that.
  • Someone needs to tell him his interpretation is wrong — or he won’t listen, and nothing will change.
  • Going to Court takes too long. The opportunity will be gone by the time lawyers and Judges resolve this.

“proving the truth” — even when it seems clear as day,
— can become nearly impossible.

Learn about other options
for solving a conflict here.



  • Someone needs to tell him he is out of line.
  • I hate coming to work when I know she will be there.
  • No one is immune to her harassment.
  • The guy is a dinosaur. His attitude is completely backwards. He doesn’t get it.

Investigators must complete a 
full inquiry and analysis around the allegations, and produce
a report to help parties understand
their findings and may make
recommendations to the employer.

Learn more about investigations.


Learn How To Better
Manage Conflict and
Overcome Obstacles.

Contact John
